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I believe that being your best is attainable. The work begins inside; and then you display the results of that work on the outside. I love to see a woman who believes she can do anything. The power of confidence can fulfilled many dreams.

BB’s Brims was a dream fulfilled for me. I love the way a fabulous Hat or a beautiful Purse can take an outfit to the next level. Just like that Hat and Purse I want to help women go to the next level too.

I take this business as serious as I do my other ministries. That is why every Item is prayed over before adding it to the website; or selling it to a customer.

BB’s Brims’ motto is “We’ve Got You Covered”. I chose this because as your hat covers your head, so shall you be covered in prayer. I want my merchandise to not just be a blessing to your wardrobe, but a blessing to your life.

Thank you so much for your time. Whether you purchased an item or just viewed the website pages, Thank you for letting me help you be the person that God has called you to be.

Now, Go Shop, Shop, Shop!!!